The Annual Gathering 2015
The Community network embraces people from all walks of life who have differing levels of commitment:
Friends are people who wish to support the Community but do not feel able at this time to follow our Way of Life. They are people who have a genuine interest in Celtic spirituality and who wish to encourage the Community by their prayers and support. Friends receive the Community magazine and are welcome to join public events and retreats organised by the Community.
A person can become a Friend of the Community by sending the respective form to the office with a subscription to the quarterly magazine.
Explorers are people who are prayerfully exploring whether the Community and its Way of Life is an appropriate place for them to be. Explorers test their vocation by living the Community Way of Life with the help of a Soul Friend. Explorers are encouraged to join in Community activities whenever possible, and to engage in a period of spiritual formation.
After at least a year of living the Way of Life as an Explorer you may prayerfully apply to become a Member, a complete commitment to the Community's Way of Life by taking the First Voyage of the Coracle (first vows). Further information for Explorers wanting to become Voyagers is found in the Community Handbook.
These are members who have been voyagers for at least seven years who have take life time vows.
The term Soul Friend reflects the ancient Irish term for Spiritual Guide or Mentor, Anamchara. Each member is responsible for selecting their own soul friend who must be approved by the Community. Community soul friends range from a friend of an Explorer who is a mature Christian and good listener for whom this is a new ministry, to a trained spiritual director or ordained confessor.
We have three guardians, who work together to safeguard the spirit and ethos of the Community and its dispersed members, and is its spiritual leader. You can find out more about them on our main contacts page.
Community households or Cells are dedicated to applying the Way of Life as a household. More information about becoming a Community House can be found in the Handbook.
Affiliated Churches are churches who as a body adopt the Community's values and resources. Link Churches maintain informal links. More information about this can be found in the Handbook.
This library contains all serious books on Celtic Christianity and is housed inside Starbank Cottage on Marygate, Holy Island TD15 2SD.
This is published in March, June, September and December each year and contains news of Community events, poems, illustrations and articles which throw light on the Way of Life. Contributions should be sent to Sr Mary-Joy – email
A free copy can be obtained from the Community Administrator.
The UK Caim Council consists of the three Guardians: Simon Reed, (Chair of the Caim Council), Penny Warren (Members' Guardian) and Scott Brennan; Geoff Holt (Chair of Trustees); Sister Thenue (Deputy Guardian), Richard Adams (Explorer Guide); Elizabeth Roles (Explorer Guide); and Richard Brassington (minutes). Other countries have their own councils.
The Guardian, Caim Council and Trustees give account to the Community Soul Friend.
The Community needs income to maintain its office, publish the magazine and information leaflets, organise events, as well as to contribute to its ministries. The Community directly funds:
Legacies should be made to The Community of Aidan and Hilda with a covering letter, if desired, stating any particular project or person it should be allocated to.
Those who wish to make standing orders through their bank should contact the Community Administrator for the appropriate form or download it by clicking here. If you pay income or capital gains tax we can recover tax paid if you complete a Gift Aid form (available from the Community Administrator). Those who give single donations from which we can re-claim tax should also complete a Gift Aid form.